Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pop Icons

For my 3 icons I chose, Peg Bundy, Bettie Page and Marilyn Monroe. My first icon I chose was Peg Bundy; she was a fictional character on a television show in the 90’s. She portrayed the lower-class, sex-starved wife of a shoe salesman on the sitcom ‘Married with Children’, she was an all-around sexual icon, one who wore a red bouffant wig, Capri-length legging with a large belt, and high slip-on heels. Next I chose Bettie Page, who was an American model who became famous in the 1950s for her pin-up photos; often referred to as the “Queen of Pinups”, her jet black hair, blue eyes, and trademark bangs have influenced artists. Lastly, I chose Marilyn Monroe; Marilyn was an American actress, singer, dancer and a major sex symbol for her time who starred in a plethora of movies.
 (Peg Bundy)

I chose these three woman because fictional or non-fictional they still were breakthroughs of their time. They proved that regardless of what happenstance they are in they came out on top and were role models for women everywhere. From Peg Bundy, portraying that even lower class woman can be sex icons and happy; to Marilyn Monroe who showed that women with curves were attractive and could do anything they wanted. Bettie Page was a major breakthrough when she became the face of sex and pin-ups. She was a playmate and a symbol that dressing sexy was ok for that era. Together, Marilyn, Bettie and Peg show that regardless of whom you are or your size you can be attractive and show your womanly side without feeling bad about yourself.
 (Marilyn Monroe)

Being a woman that has always been criticized for my size and how I dress, I have turned to woman who are strong and role models. As silly as it sounds Peg Bundy is one of my biggest role models, she was strong, attractive and loving. Marilyn Monroe makes me see myself even though I may be a larger size I am still a beautiful woman and deserve the world, and happiness. Bettie Page, is a beautiful pin-up that made it ok to dress sexy and act sexy without feeling wrong about yourself. She was a breakout pin up and although Marilyn Monroe was a pin-up too, Bettie was a sexier and more sexual icon. All three woman made it ok to be a woman and be proud of who we are, what we look like and how we act. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

What is Pop Culture? Assignment 1.2 Week 1

Pop culture is what is what is popular amongst people in a culture, it encompasses the most immediate and contemporary elements in our lives- elements that are often subject to rapid changes in a highly technological world in which people and brought closer and closer by the mass media, it often offers a common ground as the most visible and pervasive level of culture in a given society.

What pop culture means to me is the most notorious television shows, the lives of celebrities, movies, culture of Hollywood. The way it all interacts with our lives and how we are influenced by it.

An understanding of popular culture can be relevant to a business environment and in my present and future career mainly because it is consumer market based. Popular culture is relative to how consumers react to the movies, television, etc. If they react poorly you wont market it to the consumers, if the consumer however react well then you can market it and make a profit. In my career of logistics and operational supply chain management, I need to be able to break down the steps of how products get made and sold. Being able to accurately market and get the merchandise to the consumers will also be apart of the logistics of any given company.

I picked the reality show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo as my popular artifact this week because that show has gone from being ostracized to being apart of everyday cultural life, talked about on the radio, television and in magazines. The little girl Alana has become a public figure for little girls who want to be cute, funny and a toddler in tiaras. This show will hopefully be on for awhile to see how this little girl goes from down home southern princess to a grown woman modeling in pageants still.